Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February beard update

February 3: This editorial in The Cornell Daily Sun covers the author's associations with beards, and his concern over their repression in American society.

February 4: Build-a-Beard, an NYC beard blog, hosted a Beard Ball in Brooklyn.  

February 7:  As a follow up to the Superbowl's anti-emasculation campaign, the Dodge Charger is sponsoring a Super Beard Contest.  They balance the urgency of the message: "Proclaim your manliness to the world by growing a beard...!" one paragraph later, with quick reassurance.  "Can't grow a beard?  Don't worry -- we have – we have Dodge Prize Packs full of great apparel and collectibles for voters who enter the sweepstakes!"  Message:  You're not a man, but if you buy our clothes, no problem.  Eh?

February 13:  All America City Beard and Mustache Contest, in Somerville.


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